Zootopia is one of the funniest and intelligent kids animation movies out there. Great soundtrack too.

Took almost 17 years, finally a citizen of this sometimes flawed but still incredible country. Brown vs board is a reminder of how far this country has come from the ills of the past , yet so much work remains to be done.

I have never followed club soccer very much . Soccer remains a Q4 year interest for me but when Lionel Messi comes to town , you gotta pay a visit .

Today, The New York Times reported disturbing news about a transplant surgeon accused of manipulating the waitlist, potentially preventing many patients from receiving liver transplants. An investigation is currently underway, and not all the facts are known yet. However, one major concern is that the surgeon allegedly demoted sicker patients on the waiting list, an unethical practice yet somewhat predictable when considering the perverse incentives and Goodhart’s Law. In recent years, transplant programs have faced penalties and the risk of losing contracts if their outcomes fall below certain benchmarks. Programs that prioritize the sickest patients, who are most in need of transplants, often have poorer outcomes compared to those selecting more stable patients. Consequently, a rule intended to discourage reckless behavior ironically harms the very patients who urgently need help.

walk into a patient room who has surrounded himself with an assortment of desserts. My nurse says " looks like you have a sweet tooth". “No, I have dentures” patient replies. I cannot stop laughing everytime I think of this . the best jokes present themselves in the most unexpected situations.

There are very few things which live up to the hype as a full solar eclipse . The moment is so surreal and just cannot be described in words. Thank you moon for putting up a spectacular show !!

Spring is here and so are the blooming crabapples everywhere in the neighborhood .

you gotta start somewhere. right?